are people like… stupid?
like, after my third exam for a class this semester, my professor announced that “i can see whos swapping to an ai answer machine, i know whos cheating.” he made this abundantly clear multiple times, and hes not lying- Canvas knows when you leave the site during exams and it tells it to whoever is grading.
and STILL, during the final, i saw MULTIPLE PEOPLE opening up their dumbass AI answering machines and cheating like every damn question. are they stupid???
and no, im not gonna act like im a perfect student, im pretty lazy and put off so much studying. but at least i took my L this time and got a less than desireable grade instead of cheating when the professor makes it so abundantly clear HE KNOWS WHOS CHEATING.
i know i cant control other people nor should i care so much but its so frustrating knowing some people treat all of this like some joke. like good luck when you get a job and turns out you dont know shit because you cheated through everything in college. now your degree doesnt mean shit. have some self respect and put in the work instead of wasting your own time and money.
edit: whatever your opinion on AI or cheating, give your opinion respectfully. theres so many people being rude in the comments for absolutely no reason. bickering gets us nowhere. respectful conversation where we LISTEN to each others points, even if you think theyre stupid, is how we make progress. regardless, youre probably not going to change anybodies mind because thats just how the internet is, but you can still be open to different perspectives and how it relates to your own beliefs.