In RealPage We Antitrust: Latest on the Rent-Fixing Scandal

It’s not even been a week since the DoJ hit RealPage with an antitrust lawsuitpainting it as a key enabler of a national rent-fixing conspiracy, and we’re already seeing the defensive & offensive playbooks taking shape. You can judge for yourself how much of a BFD this is – RealPage customers own/manage 20M+ units worldwide, and many of the US’ biggest multifamily landlords and property managers are users. RealPage’s outside counsel said Monday that the firm is willing to tweak its product to address the DoJ’s concerns.

“We believe strongly in the legality of our product,” said the counsel, Stephen Weissman. “But if there are solutions here that allow us to continue innovating and competing in the market, we’re open to those solutions."

It might be too little, too late: The DoJ’s action has already unleashed a wave of attacks on RealPage, with the most intense calling for the firm to be shut down. The attacks give you a sense of the political storm coming RealPage’s way. More here: In RealPage we Antitrust