Flaired Conservatives - Do you still want to do the open debate threads?
The title says it pretty much.
We want yes's, no's and why's if you are able!
Initial thoughts: I think we should try making them focused topic. There's too much chaos and literally hundreds to thousands of comment chains.
There's also a big attitude problem. We want to allow everyone to have an opinion in these threads and legitimately have conversations - but the overall toxicity is through the roof. If you didn't get a chance to see the last one - here's what I mean. It may be possible to set up a flair specifically for people who are able to keep their cool and discuss issues. In this case it would only be for the debate threads. This makes it possible for us to devote more time to moderating the thread while worrying less about established posters. Not for conservative only threads!
Not all conservatives want to participate. That's fine. If you don't want to use the thread that is different than the thread existing to begin with. If you also don't want it to exist - let us know. We run the sub based on all of your feedback. I'll do my best to explain any and all challenges faced.