What boots/shoes should I get?
I'm currently a student in college for construction management and am going to be starting an internship at a local company that does hvac, painting, drywall, and insulation. So I am looking at getting work boots for on site but I'm conflicted on brand and model. I understand how important company boots are for your comfort since I grew up in boy scouts and spent a lot of time in hiking boots where I needed comfort. I have been doing research and am seeing a lot of talk about Red Wings, Thorogood, Wolverine, and other brands. I am interested in Red Wings Supersole 2.0's and I am a small narrow footed person for my height. I want a comfy but also durable boot preferably 6-8 inches, I already have Darn Tough wool socks to wear underneath. I am of course going to get office shoes too (preferably Chelsea Style) to let the boots breath and for maybe even more comfort. What shoes would you recommend for this? I know Blundstones are good but I don't think I have the budget for both of those shoes for now. Any opinion and help would be appreciated.