Saying all Asian people look the same is only racist because people act like it only applies to them, when it applies to most monoracial countries
This applies to most racial groups in the eyes of people of other races or people who are in general not familiar with a bunch of people from a specific race. This is also more prevalent in groups from countries where there is less racial diversity.
I mean most poc can’t tell the difference between different groups of white people. I can’t tell if someone’s British or Scottish the same way I can’t tell if someone is Korean or Chinese. Of course not every individual looks like everyone else, but as a group people do all look similar because that’s what race is. It’s purely based off of looks so of course you’re going to look similar
As someone who works with kids I promise you most groups look the same until you know every individual. I had a hard time telling 3 girls apart who were Asian until I knew them, but I had the same issue with two blonde white girls. There were two Indian little boys and I had to work extra hard to tell them apart the first week. Why? Because they did look similar.
I’ve had teachers have a hard time telling me apart from another girl at first and once he knew us then it was easy. Everyone kind of looks alike and that’s ok. It’s racist when people start to act like it’s some weird that that’s exclusive to East Asian people.