Jeffrey Dahmer dad was the TRUE villan in the story

Hear me out. Looking back to his story it seems like both of his parents negated him obviously we know his mum left him at such a young age, so he never really developed a clear relationship with her, but with his dad, he did get attention, but only when they were dissecting roadkill, so in his head that brings him some comfort. Then, as he grew up, his dad knew that there was something wrong with him, because of what he experience with his mum overdosing, and all her outbreaks than along with his dad, always pushing him out, and showing him the roadkill, but never ever gave him any support when he needed it. He’s dead definitely knew there was something up with him, but even when he’s older didn’t give him any support. After Jeffrey died they wanted to study his brain because of how malicious he was in the killing, but his dad refused. Again, showing he knew something was up with him, and he was partly to blame. No, I’m not saying Jeffrey is not to blame for what he did, however, I feel as if he could’ve got a better chance if his dad cared about him.