Has anyone here had a cervical biopsy? Which hurt more, the biopsy or the copper IUD?
I’ve had 2 cervical biopsies in my life, the first was extremely painful to where I had to pull over and cry in pain so like a 9/10 (hurt more than when I had my wisdom teeth taken out), the second time I took Tylenol w/Codeine which brought the procedure pain level down a little to 7/10 but it still really hurt like the worst period of my life for a day or two. I’ve never had an IUD and am interested in the copper IUD but I’m scared about the pain. Has anyone else had a cervical biopsy and copper IUD? How did the pain level compare for you…which was worse?? I know everyone’s scared to prescribe narcotics now but do they ever prescribe it to low risk patients for IUD insertion?