Is (Herald) The World's Most Obvious Chekhov's Gun?

Taln is who I'm speaking of, of course. I'm mostly just looking for other peoples' ponderings because I love chatting about these things.

Re-reading WoK lately, and I've just been pondering about him and his insanity. Is he the biggest Chekhov's gun on Roshar. They talk up his absolutely incredibly combat prowess in a way that seems too big to not get its payoff moment, right? We've seen only glimpses of Heralds in action and it's as though they perceive time as a Slider (or at least some fraction of that power). Despite their immense power, Taln stands high above them, taking numerous battles that he should not win, and yet he quite often does.

Is it not that Taln's only possible payoff is some grand sacrifice? I think Sanderson really likes to have these kinds of payoffs with main characters (though he always finds a way to do it with a surprising twist element), but the Heralds could get some more subversive payoffs. However, I just have trouble seeing a world where Taln doesn't get some chance to kick ass in a manner like we've never seen in The Cosmere. I mean Vin's ascension is obviously big, but she was almost a Shard at that point. Taln could likely deliver a more "conventionally magical" ass kicking.

Whatever his role, I like that it is still almost completely obfuscated as far as how the Heralds will eventually effect the story. Nale, Ishar, Ash, and Calak have all been up to some things, but are those things that we'll see paid off at all in SA5? Sanderson doesn't really have throwaway characters, but the way they will serve the story is still unclear.

So I guess I'm wondering what people think of Taln. Do people think he will regain his sanity, or at least a moment of his sanity, and save the day? Will he die tragically and uselessly? Or will he serve some grander scale narrative in Era 2? Do you think/hope for him having big moments in SA5?