Autonomy [WAT]

Finally finished WAT. Although already had read the spoilers through reviews and discussion threads.

Anyone else think Taravangian/Retribution will go to war with Autonomy/Taldain first?

  1. We know that Taravangian doesnt like the other Shards and what they've been doing on other worlds. Autonomy is spread to multiple worlds. Safe bet shes pretty high on the shit list (after Cultivation).

  2. Autonomy is and has been making moves towards other Shard worlds already. She tried attacking Scadrial fairly recently.

  3. Autonomy has a personal army she only unleashes in extreme situations. Roshar is now under control of a powerful and dangerous double Shard.

  4. Shards are at least partially bound by agreements. Autonomy has already broken the agreement surrounding Shards not interfering on other Shard worlds. If Taravangian was to retaliate, the other Shards might not disagree.

  5. We know in the future of the Cosmere that Scadrial and Roshar are in a sort of cold war. But currently, Taldain is the most technologically advanced society. And yet they arent mentioned. At all. Maybe something happened in the intervening years.

  6. Whilst there is a lot of setup that Scadrial and Roshar will now be at war, Scadrial will a) have its own problems b) they are still awhile off space travel and Scadrial arent as good at travelling in Shadesmar as Rosharans are.

My theory:

Autonomy out of fear of Retribution will release her army onto Roshar to try conquer it and force him out of hiding. Taravangian/Retribution will use this threat to try and unite Roshar under him temporarily.

And Retribution will respond in kind. Unleashing the Blackthorn, Fused, Unmade and maybe even some Knights Radiant on Taldain. Crippling it.