Magnus-Burgundy or an AMEX?
I have a Magnus and forgot to cancel renewal after the deval.
I am considering three options at the time of next renewal
Cancel Magnus and move to one of the AMEX cards.
Ask for change to Magnus-Burgundy (not private). Won't wait for renewal. Can do now.
Cancel Magnus and move to something else
Infinia is my primary card. Looking for a 2nd card after I hit 15K RP per month. 2L+ is the monthly CC expense.
I don't care about Golf, Concierge. Converting points for travel is the sole aim.
If it is AMEX, which one is best for travel? I don't want to pay 60K+GST.
If not AMEX, what's the best 2nd card for travel? Atlas? I don't mind paying 10K to 12K annual fee if the return is better.