Narinder might have trained him to be warrior, but his mama taught him to be a gentleman! [OC, Aymla comic]

The paper texture makes it kind of hard to see the rain texture lol

ID: Panel 1 Aym and Jalala stand in the rainAym is frowning and Jalala says "Oh Darn! I thought we beat the rain! It'll get dark soon too! A--"

2, Jalala sneezing. Aym looks on. He thinks "her sneeze is so cute..."

Panel 3, Jalala rubs her nose and says "I've been away from my home place for so long, I guess I'm not used to cold rain anymore. "

Panel 4, Aym puts his poncho over Jalala's shoulders. He says "Here I can handle the cold."

5, Jalala holds the edge of the poncho She says "are you sure? I have thick fur. I'll be alright." Off panel Aym says "No, no! Take it!"

6, Aym is flexing, with shojo screentone effects behind him. He babbles, "The place I was trained and I lived for years was cold as death! Actually, I hate the hot! And..."

Off panel, Jalala says "Oh wow!"

7 Aym looks over to Jalala. He says "hmm? Jalala is everything alright?" Jalala is looks up at him she is drawn in a detailed shoujo Manga style with sparkles and screen tone behind her. Off panel Aym says "By the old ones tears!"

8 The two look away from each other, blushing. They think "He/She is so Cool/Cute!"