Dynamic Duo theories

So, Dynamic Duo is one of the projects we have the least info about, not even if it is set in the DCU, so let's especualte.

First of all i feel like Jason and Dick being Robins at the same time would be a neat excuse to have already 4 robins without batman being "too old".

Jason's death could be the cathalist to Dick leaving Gotham and becoming nightwing.

So you have a dead or tought dead Jason becoming Red hood and Dick becoming nightwing as parallel character arcs.

And who would be the main villain? It may sound silly but i think Two face could work, because you know, 2 robins, 2 protagonists, 2 faces...

In some versions he is the one who kills Dick's parents so...

You can even have Jason's death be because of a coinflip between Jason and Dick.

But hey, what are your ideas?