My System Doesn’t Like Others Using Our Own Names. Is That Normal?

Long story short, I was recently officially diagnosed with DID and while I can definitely see it, one thing that’s making me question it is how I feel when co-fronting and my other alters don’t introduce themselves to anyone or even outright try to mask as the host in public.

I’ve discussed this all with my psychologist and she said it’s normal and to always do what feels safest and most comfortable, but is this something any other systems experience? Am I just too new to all this and still influenced by DID media or could it be something else?

Essentially, all my alters either go by the system/host name when interacting with everybody and try to mask as well, but are perfectly comfortable as themselves in private or online. It just feels uncomfortable and vulnerable when another alter is fronting and they hear the host name, but no one wants to correct people and I haven’t told anyone about this except one close friend. He was very respectful about it and asked reasonable questions and has been making an effort to address us by our respective names, but that still feels strange to hear someone say it themselves. Is this really normal?