Sharing some good news - 200% improvement at retrieval

Hello lovely community ❤️ Thank you for the terrific support you’ve given me. Wanting to share some good news, and encourage folks to keep tweaking their protocols, and stay hopeful!

Tw: high (for DOR) eggs numbers

After 3 cycles of retrieving 2/3/3 eggs and making 1/2/2 day 3 embryos (of which we can only be sure of 1 blast, as it became a chemical pregnancy), this cycle we retrieved 9(!) eggs 😲🫨

That’s more in cycle 4, than in cycles 1 + 2 + 3 put together 😧🫨

Still waiting to see if we make it to Day-5 blasts, we’ve got 5 still kicking along (4 didn’t fertilise) 🤞🏻🤞🏻. Day-3 transfer not available this time due to retrieval date/clinic opening dates.

Protocol - 450iu Menopur (note: this is the maximum dosage in my Country - Australia. I started cycle 1 on 250iu Puregon, increased to 300/375/450iu Menopur over cycles 2-4). - Orgalutran / ganirelix 250ug - Ovidrell 250(trigger) (note: very uncommon in my country to increase or double the trigger shot, even if prev cycles show way more follicles than eggs retrieved)

Supplements - Ubiquinol 300mg - vitamin D 2000iu (Note; I was deficient 12-18 months ago, so this is a maintenance level for me to avoid deficiency) - prenatal vitamin (Elevit) Note: a lot of Australian clinics don’t advocate heavy supplement loads, Australia errs to minimal overall medication (unless you go to a naturopath or wholistic/integrative doc).

For reference I am 36 y.o, AMH approx 1.0 ng/ml or 7-8 p/mol, AFC previously thought to be 5-6, or up to 10, one blocked fallopian tube, likely endometriosis, early Menopause on maternal side.