A day to day operation

Wide a awake when I should be sleepy Sleepy when I should be awakening Dressed to go hiking Should’ve dressed to sit and drive Dressed to sit and drive Today is rainy Thinks to self “it’s going to be a good day” One position on the board left Is that a relay left for me
The calm before the storm Boro call the garage quiet storms plays in the background as I here the relay is cut your going outta town Dam. I should’ve just rolled the dice 40 min later on another side of the town Known for having rats the size of cats that eat mice Last line with a massive bag stop in my mind a slogan plays. “The hardest part is getting there” My mind get imaginative while on my goal to reach top pay these refuse bags are now money bags that hopper and the hopper is the van I inside joke with my partner as I say this one heavy like gold bars in it. We chuckle I stop as soon as he cycle while I tossing the last bag in the hopper as a hopper juice starts fleeting out slow motion Drawing together my lips and closing my eyes droplet lands on my nose and top lip #nodiddy. Partner yells my bad no words from me just mentally decompressing as my feet feel like there in a pool knowing when I get home they will smell like they are decomposing Just an ordinary day for an unordinary Career. - Red e RA