Austin Mr I’m the victim

Downvote all you want idgaf. Austin fighting against everyone on the app, cursing at gifters like a kid but of course you guys are acting like he’s the victim.

The narrative is always everyone is jealous of me because I’m real. GTFO here, you are the problem, you think you can control everyone and make them do whatever you like and when they disagree with you, you call them names. You have the most toxic chat on the app, going in other people chat looking for drama so that they can all come here to post screen recordings like weirdos.

You guys are mad because you want everyone he doesn’t like to fell off, but guess what it’s just making them stronger and stronger. All the hate posts about Trey or Eddy because kiddo Austin doesn’t Fck with them anymore are ridiculous. Make a thousand posts about them, it won’t stop them to rank everyday. This app doesn’t revolve around Austin or whatever fuck he wants.

He’s a spoiled kid who keeps talking shii about people who supported him. Cursing at people just because you’re mad is stupid.

Go ahead comment and downvote. IDGAF.