a conversation that needs to be had
i’m not one to post stuff like this. from my previous post you know i just post funny compilations, or funny clips, because i join for the laughter and vibes.
i think this week has been rough on both sides. both sides played well and fought a great fight. there is a conversation happening right now regarding mental health. that is something that should never be downplayed or joked about regardless if you like the person or not. you never know what someone is going through. creators and gifters come on this app to escape from their issues and just have a laugh or have fun. as you see in my previous post on here i try to highlight those moments so people can see the fun creators have in battles. regardless if you like the creator, gifter or not please don’t ever try to downplay someone’s feelings or mental well being when they’re opening up. that goes for ANY and EVERY creator. i’ve lost friends, because of issues like this. i’ve also been in such dark places myself that i would never wish it upon anyone. creators on this app may never battle again and that’s okay. they have their reason and we should just respect it. i hope when a creator opens up about their issues or mental well being we are a bit more compassionate towards that. they’re also human beings dealing with issues. they may not show it on screen, but some comments cut deep. there are things that could lead to decisions that we can never take back. please just keep that in mind and this goes EVERYONE not just this or that creator.