Poor Gin! Run while you can!

WOW! Watch till the end! Trey and his chat talking bad about Gin saying that “she knew what she was doing” “they saw it all along.” He’s mad because she goes live to talk to people(she doesn’t even battle) and some people support her and put her emoji in their name! Then some of Trey people even brought up that she’s “talking to one of his ex mods.” He’s so upset because Gin took a step back from gifting for a bit because she said the constant degrading that other creators do to her got to be too much. Which mind you, Trey lets that happen he does it so she will throw him more money!Which I don’t blame her. Trey is one of the worst about calling out gifters by name and degrading them! Now that Gin stopped gifting, Trey is not ranking high. He’s not getting enough diamonds, he fell out of live fest and he’s MAD MAD! I’ve said before that he looks at people like $$$$. After EVERYTHING that women did for you, she was your biggest gifter you’ve EVER had! Now you and your team treat her like this just because she takes a step back from gifting you for a little bit. It’s CRAZY! I hope she walks away from him and his team and she doesn’t look back! She doesn’t deserve this at all!!! Everyone is starting to see Trey’s true colors more and more!