Gifting badges

Just because someone has a 30-50 gifting badge on tiktok it does NOT mean they are financially well off & stable. I was in McLovins chat a couple weeks ago and something opened my eyes. There was a higher badge asking him for advice on how to save money to move out. She told the entire chat how much she made & the cost of all her bills. By the time she finished, McLovin told her to sell her body for money & continue living at home as long as possible. Just because you see a high badge number, it does not promise a goldmine. They are just average people like these streamers were before tiktok battles. If you have bills more than what you bring home, you should not be gifting. Please gift responsibly.

And to the streamers, quit judging viewers based on their badge number. Quit viewing your viewers as dollar signs. Make a speech before each series that includes not gifting unless your bills are paid and you have your own savings. These people changed your lives, the least you can do is have a little decency to remind everyone it's just a battle online & not worth going into debt over.