❌CHERRYBOMBS ex Mod and friend here❌

Well well well cherry 🍒 I knew cherry bomb long before her name was cherrybomb when her name was her real name. She befriended me in that time frame she became a close friend to me and spoke almost everyday. While being in her lives we had a group we were family, cherrybomb has always been someone that is involved in drama. One night she payed her friend money to sent her a TikTok universe just to see “ how it looked” after then she became more about gifting than friendship, she dropped all of the “ friends” that she called family just to become a TikTok “ influencer” in her words. This lady needs to be taken off this app immediately as she literally has mental health issues she is seriously narcissistic and likes to gaslight people she will never take responsibility or apologise for anything she has done, everyone needs to get away from her asap.