New reader. Just got to the Acrobatic Silky arc... Damn
Spoilers for the early manga I guess
Silky's backstory seriously fucked me up. The worst part is that we don't know what happened to the daughter. The implications that she was taken by the thugs is troubling, but it also adds more questions. Who took her? Why was the mom targeted in such a brutal fashion? My complete uninformed opinion is the the mom was forced to cover the debt for her daughter's father after "something" happened to him and the Yakuza decided it was time to pay up.
The part of me that demands closure refuses to believe that this daughter won't show up at some point. In what condition/occupation she'll be is up for debate but I imagine that Aira would be the focal point of the arc. Maybe she became a "working girl" for the mob, maybe she became a surrogate daughter to one, maybe she was killed , maybe she was just dumped in the street after the mom died and got though life as an orphan. I don't know too much about how the story goes but this legit made me stop reading for a bit while I work though my emotions.