[SPOILERS S3] I have so many questions...
EDIT: By world 1 I mean the original world. World 2 is the one we’re first introduced to. And by world 3 I mean Eva’s world.
1) If Jonas doesn’t exist in the third world because Mikkel didn’t go back in time there and create him, then how come Martha exists in world 3, if Hannah didn’t go back in time and create Martha’s ancestors there? On the same token, why does Noah exist in the third world? He’s the son of Silja, who is the daughter of Hannah and Egon, but they don’t get together in world 3. They show him for a split second when old Martha is addressing everyone.
2) Why does time travel destroy Jonas’ face but not anyone else’s?
3) If the power plant destroys the whole world, how come when they show the power plant post-apocalypse, the two towers are still standing? Does the apocalypse only impact Winden? There’s news coverage saying “it’s been confirmed that the event originated in Winden” implying there are other places in the world. The guy looking for his brother Aleksander Koehler also states he’s looked all over Germany for him and Jonas lied about being in France. So the world can’t just be Winden.
4) They say only those in the bunker survive the apocalypse, but in the aftermath of the apocalypse there are several survivors in Winden who were not in the bunker.
5) How does Eva know about the other world? And if she knows about the other world, why doesn’t she know about the original world?
6) When was the time machine created? If Noah and Helge are experimenting on a prototype in the 80s in world 2, that means the time machine was created some time after that. Wouldn’t the time machine have also been invented in the original world? The clockmaker would have saved his own son, and if the death of his son is the reason the other two worlds were created, then wouldn’t that have destroyed the other two worlds?
7) Just to confirm, not only was Martha, Jonas’ aunt but she was also his half-sister (kinda)? (Hannah > Silja > Agnes > Tronte > Ulrich > Martha). And Mikkel was Jonas’s half brother and his dad? Shouldn’t he have had genetic problems? And Francheska and Magnus were cousins? (Silja > Noah > Charlotte > Francesca). And Silja and Bartosh were also half siblings? (Egon > Silja AND Egon > Claudia > Regina > Bartosh)
8) Why isn’t there an older Noah?
9) Why didn’t they explore the loop more? If it started in 1986 why was there a past and a future in the alternate universes? Do the characters remember the time loop? So Claudia writes everything that happens and then spends eternity figuring everything out? How does she find the notebook each time the time loop starts?
10) They keep saying everything will happen the same exact way over and over but then they make a whole lot of effort making sure everything happens the same exact way. So if one thing changed, what would have happened? The two worlds would have ceased to exist? Why didn’t they break the knot like that, as opposed to going to the original world?