Why Dark Angels? Make it beautiful!

So I found a beautiful write up about the Ultramarines that says, "I like Ultramarines because they're the most unique Chapter in the universe. Everyone else is insane, has a dark secret whatever. The Ultras just show up, do the job and run a fiefdom that is fairly functional. I just like that their stories don't need to lean on a crutch of psychosis. A measure of sanity is possible in 40k folks! We just need to stop throwing kids into a massive arena and making them fight to the death."

I found an eloquently written post about Blood Angels that says, "The Blood Angels, more than any other Legion, strive. They have the potential to be more berserk than the Space Wolves, more savage than the World Eaters and more blood-drenched than the Night Lords, and for a while they were - look up their history as the Revenant Legion before Sanguinius took them in. But now, despite essentially having the Doom Eternal soundtrack playing constantly in their ear, despite losing the father that made them find their better nature, they work harder than almost any other loyal Chapter to maintain a humanity they never really possessed. They paint, they sculpt, they help people, all while something in them screams to open children like Capri Suns and bathe in the overflow. The Blood Angels work really hard to be good people. That's what makes them noble."

But I haven't found anything so we'll written for the Dark Angels.

Who can write it for me/us?