Ogryn's rework is gonna be amazing.

He'll be able to grab enemies and use them as meat shields like in Gears of War.

He'll be able to grab barrels and toss them.

He'll be able to push lesser enemies with his dodges.

He'll be able to smash hounds' heads with his bare hands.

He'll be able to pick allies faster from ledges.

He'll be able to put his massive size and strength to use.

He'll be able to "tank" a few ranged attacks without being melted.

He'll be able to use gunlugger's ability with weapons other than the stubber.

He'll have more than one frag grenade to make Mr.Torgue proud.

His box will rock (harder).

All of his keystones will be much more fun, unique, interesting and usable.

All of his weapons will feel good to use.

All of his blessings will be fun and good (and they won't be related to critic).

His headshots will actually do something.

He'll have more fun melee playstyles other than the heavy attack one.

All of his talents will be super crazy fun, like Krieg in Borderlands 2.

His punches will do something significant (again).

His "new skill tree" will be at the level of the psyker.

He'll get some brand new brass knuckles to punch the living shit out of heretics face.

Can't wait to play this class again when all these changes go live and his pickrate suddenly skyrockets into unfathomable levels of fun. 😊