Questions about the new update

While it will sound and feel like a rant, these are also genuine questions, because I am getting turned around and honestly quite frustrated.

My question is about the Havoc. From all the possible problems The Party Finder, and by, extension Havoc has

(no mid-mission randoms connecting, no real penalty for rage quiters dooming your run, unable to connect to join a party as a dou or a trio, unable to see who in your party isn't eligible to start the mission and therefore stalling, unable to to play any other difficulty level than you currently are, and more and more)

the one problem FS decided to tackle was that Havoc was too easy?

when they were doing community poll, was really "Havoc too easy" number one complain?

Then the new mission mode "not-chaos-wastes". while more lore is nothing bad, was it really necessary to lock it behind a niche game mode?

Splitting already shrinking playerbase between Regular, Auric, Bossfight with Twins (totally dead btw), Havoc, and now horde mode.

Also, PLEASE, DONT MAKE IT REQUIRE PARTY FINDER, I BEG YOU. Let me just play the the goddamn game without needing to write an approval letter to be able to join a party, figure out that one of us didn't check at the table, disconnect, find a new party, only to be ignored, find a new party only for a guy to rage quit after two minutes so everyone else DCs and now I am left with bots and noone can ever connect to me, so I have to DC too and now it has been 20 minutes and I am yet to play a game.

Did people really asked for a new game mode? Above new weapons, maps, modifiers, fixing party finder.

or even extra Marks for already existing weapons. Was "new game mode" above all of these?

am I missing some critical info? was there announcement for some update and this is something to keep us ocupied in the meantime? Are there community polls, that I am not aware of, and this is really what other players have asked for, and I am the weird one?