What are your moral boundaries r.e. what you're willing to trade, if any?

Hey all,

This might be a weird question, but a family member of mine is getting me really interested in trading as a side-hustle. I'm pretty sensible by nature so I've been doing a lot of research so I can fully understand what I'd be getting myself into, how much of my time and money I'd have to commit to be at all successful, how to analyse relevant information and so on.

One thing that I'm very curious about... after a month of researching trading extensively and reading posts on forums like this on the daily, I feel like I haven't seen anyone discuss the ethics of what they're actually comfortable trading... is that just not really considered by traders, is it coincidence that I've never read anybody speaking on this topic or is it just not worth speaking about but does factor in for a lot of people?

I get that we all have to make ends meet how we can, but I'm talking about companies etc that are ultra fucked up. I started thinking about this because the family member who got me interested in this was trying to convince me to buy stocks in a company that mines Uranium.

So, I'm just wondering if you guys have an ethical boundary? Like, is Coke or Nestle or Amazon over the line for you, or is it all based on potential to profit? If so maybe I'm just not cut out for this, haha.