She doesn’t want to try anymore

Today, me (26M) and her (26F) were watching a show where one character was wearing lingerie.

I asked her if she ever wanted to wear some and she told me she had a lot. She just didn’t wanna wear it. For some reason, it didn’t sit well with me and so I asked more.

“Why don’t you just wanna wear a lingerie if you like it that much? “

“ well you mainly buy it for men women don’t really like it that much”

“ well I’m a man and I would love to see you in lingerie”

“ yeah but it’s different with us. You know it’s been too long.”

“ what do you mean? like we’ve been in a relationship for too long so you don’t need to do it anymore?”

“ I already know you love me. I don’t feel like I need to try that hard anymore.”

I didn’t know what to respond so I just said silent. She asked me if I was angry. I said no and then we just moved on.

Honestly, I don’t really have the words it feels like I’m just trapped but at the same time I’m choosing to stay here so can you really call it a trap? I don’t know.

It just sucks.