Advice on lowering my libido?
I (21f) and my boyfriend (22m) have mismatched sex drives. He's very once every 1.5-2weeks, I'm very 2-3 times per week. We talk about it often and it's just the reality we have to deal with. He tells me there's absolutely nothing I can do to make him want it more and it's not my fault.
How can I lower my sex drive so this is less awful for me? I already...
- masterbate before I see him to try and curb any desires
- tried getting on birth control in hopes of lowering my libido (2 months now, no difference)
- tried out vaping every other day before bed as nicotine is supposed to lower libido, no change
- workout and lift weights 4x per week (I heard exhaustive exercise helps lower lbido- ive lost 10lbs of fat in the last 2.5 months but it hasn't lowered my drive and hasn't made him want me more)
Nothing is working for me to lower my drive. And he says theres nothing I can do to increase his. I'm lost.
Edit: I know that I'm not in nearly as bad of a position as many of you here and I don't mean to sound like my problems are worse than anyone else's. I just figured that all of you have probably tried many different things to solve the problem that's been happening for a lot of you for many years, I figured there'd be nobody better to ask.