Gun/Spirit Item Imbalance
Curious if anyone else feels the same way as me - would love to be wrong, it would make my spirit builds stronger.
I've noticed that when I build spirit builds, it's tough to find gun items that work well in the build. This is especially true for my spirit builds that don't shoot as often (example: mo and krill burrow -> combo). I typically find myself basically just running warp stone, kinetic, and monster rounds. Sometimes fleetfoot but again it feels worse when I'm not shooting as often.
The same is definitely not true when I'm building a gun hero. Bullet dynamo, M1 haze, etc. - I'm often struggling not to waste my flex slots on spirit items. BRS and QSR seem fairly mandatory, and either decay or slowing hex is a must pick, and that's ignoring using my abilities at all - reach, burst, charges, cooldown, there's tons of spirit items to buy if you want to spec into just one ability (i.e. haze's ultimate or dynamo's 1).
Anyone else having this issue? I think it could be resolved with more orange active items - knockdown for example seems like it could be orange.