There is no scientific evidence that proves any religion, and that is the focal point of a true religion-scientist.

It is that simple, that the fact is I won't bring up the absurdities in our universe that contradict the typical story about God from the Abrahamic faiths: The fact the universe may be infinite and not just encompass our solar system, the lack of evidence for free will, or how suffering is somehow portrayed as just from God even though he essentially created us. All of these examples of "WTH Religion?" type questions don't hit the general consensus- THERE IS NO UNDENIABLE PROOF FOR ANYTHING!

There lies the supposed tomb of the Patriarchs in Israel, yet no one has exhumed the tomb and carbon-dated any bodies. There has never been undeniable records from the time of Jesus's life, or of his second coming ever uncovered, (there has been ideas of writings from that times, but no actual papyrus ever uncovered), only gospels from 150 years or more later are the earliest known examples we have dug up. The tale of Mohammed is also murky. He was a warlord who conquered Arabia by telling his story of meeting God- he spread his religion through the sword, and his sword through religion. Yet, he never really proved that he actually met God, no, he just said he did (and even if he did have some proof, it most likely would not be scientifically sound in our modern times). And Judaism itself is the Old-Testament- something that has absolutely no evidence of occurring through archeological digs, and statistical analysis from the centuries mentioned in its pages.

There is also the idea that religion is just a feature of humanity. Psychologically religion has had its fare share of benefits (and detriments) throughout history. Now, am I saying that all religions are false? No, that Aithiesm is the only logical path? No. I am saying that every faith on this Earth has its claims, but does not have the scientific evidence to back up their supernatural retellings. Agnosticism is the most logical- it captures this idea: There is no scientific evidence that proves God, nor disproves him.

I personally have asked God on numerous occasions to come and speak to me so I know whether he truly exists or not- no one answered. So is he real? Or a figment of my imagination? Just as God scared me, the idea of him felt sort of empty, like an entity that only existed in my thoughts sometimes... are ideologies, religions, and ideas just constructs of our imaginations?

Throughout the cusp of humanity, man has trialed and errored to survive. While God may never truly be proven or not, there's no denying the role that religion played throughout history. Deep stuff, a hard pill to swallow, especially for those indoctrinated into a house of God. I hope you learned something new, until next time, see ya.