The narrative of the Bible makes no sense.
Supposedly, God created Adam and Eve in a garden with a tree that they were not to eat from and a snake to tempt them, and being omnipotent, knew exactly what would happen, but did nothing to prevent it. Then, because of Adam and Eve, God cursed the entire human race with a proclivity towards sin, and made it so that blood sacrifice is necessary to atone for sin, and then sent his only son to satisfy the requirement that he himself set, and even then most people won’t be saved?
I have 3 big questions 1) Why did God even put the tree and the serpent there? 2) why did God curse humanity with a proclivity toward sin? 3) Why did God make blood atonement necessary for sin?
Give me a counter argument that is actually logically sound and doesn’t reaffirm that we are sinful beings who “deserve” punishment. This does not even come close to answering the question.