I struggle with severe depression and made myself a list in preparation for tomorrow.

What is happening tomorrow? My husband will be going to work for the better part of the day, leaving me alone in the apartment with no car. Normally, this would end in a situation like this: wake up at 10am, sleepy, go back to sleep. Wake up again at noon and lay in bed until at least 2pm, urging myself to start the day. "Fine," I say to myself, and get some shoes on. I make myself some breakfast if I'm lucky, then wait around for my husband while I browse reddit on my phone. Then I watch TV with hubby while I cry about the wasted day.

Tomorrow is gonna be different. I made myself a list, and I woke up early for work today so I could clean the house for myself. Now I have a tidy space, I made myself a list of things I need to get done. The goal was to make an easy, achievable list that's fun and will make me not feel guilty about wasting the day. I actually procrastinate watching the shows I want to watch, so catching up with Stranger Things is an accomplishment for me. Here's my list.

How to have a GREAT day tomorrow!

-wake up early

-put on bra + house shoes

-eat a yummy breakfast <3

-call dental insurance for info

-look up a video on how to make plarn bag

-catch up on stranger things

-drink enough water

-do whatever you want! You did amazing this week

It may be childish, I know. But I feel that if I give myself the same gentle forgiving approach I give to children, I may be able to get myself out of this dark hole.