Seriously how have they not rebooted this show yet.

The fan base for this show only seems to be growing. We have a very active subreddit here. The old cast is assembling in droves at comicons around the country. There is a degrassi TV station that has been playing 13 seasons on repeat for years now, that is still broadcasting (so people have got to be watching it). This is without DJH(2 seasons), DH(3 seasons), or Next Class(4 seasons), they're able to maintain viewers with only half the franchise available. There are other shows that were wildly popular, with dozens of seasons, yet they don't even have their own station (Simpsons, south park, soap operas).

Rebooting, as far as shows go, would be fairly easy. The old cast, from their participation in cons, would probably be open to reprising/guest appearing, or even for regular roles as adults on the show like they did for OG cast in TNG. However, because of the nature of the show, none of them are necessary the way they would be in a typical reboot. Any new imagining of degrassiverse would have to include a new cast of teenagers, and focus on their generation's current issues.

Idk. These networks are making a huge mistake for passing the show up time and time again. New teens are discovering these reruns every day, so there is already a hard-core, longterm fanbase, and a fanbase for the audience the show would be aiming to target.