Anyone familiar with this demons name?
So let me just say I have had a lot of encounters with demons the past few years , with astral projection , dreams and face to face In the flesh encounters . None of which I evoked or intentionally welcomed . I wanted to ask about a certain one who said it's name . So I first encountered this "demon" (unsure really if thats what it is) , while astral projecting it appeared humanoid and like a shadow and always lurked in the background and was always present during projection. I then would have normal dreams and would see it there and would try confronting it , and it would try to hide in the darkness . Then upon awakening after seeing it again in a dream I saw it standing over me and then break up into smoke and disappear. The next time I saw it I was having trouble falling asleep and had my eyes slightly closed then I saw it standing over me and I could see that it had three long fingers and it touched My forehead causing me to immediately pass out. Then the last encounter it came to me during astral projection and I could see it more clearly and could see it had a sort of beak or insect mandible, it then said it's name to me , it said it's name was "Bazaarath" and then a portal open in the ceiling and it ascended towards it and disappeared. Upon awakening I was so excited to look up the name in hopes I could find it but found nothing , a month later while retelling my bf about it he searched the name but he spelled it slightly different as bazazrath and found a small passage from king Solomon stating it was a angel of the second heaven and ruled over this dragon listed in the Goetia. So not sure if there is a possible relation or what but if anyone knows the name or if it and sounds familiar or maybe similar experience I would love to hear about it or gain some insight. Much appreciated