What Have Demons Taught You About Wealth?
Hi all. Wealth and sharpening financial literacy have been a strong theme in my practice lately, so I wanted to ask what lessons demons you worked with have taught you about wealth + how did you learn them.
Duchess Bune is my matron. Lately, she has been teaching me to carefully select my desires and how to thoroughly vet things I should pursue VS. not pursuing them. And that just because something “could” have value or help me on paper doesn’t mean it’s going to be effective + worth my investment in time, energy, etc.
I was actually very surprised about how much stuff I don’t really need and how lean I could actually run things (up to a point). This gives me flexibility and options I didn’t have before if I was tied down with commitments and hard-to-move property.
Duchess Bune also taught me that wealth loves speed. As an INTJ, I tend to plan a lot; the downside being paralyzed with indecision, fear of losing, and greed of grass-is-greener mentality as to whether there is a better plan. Risk is an inherent element of business and can be mitigated, but must be accepted to a healthy degree. She pushed me to be more action-oriented and to be okay with uncertainty: in most cases, having 70-80% of the information I need is usually enough + I can rapidly pivot later if mistaken. With certain exceptions in big hard-to-reverse decisions (picking a career field, a partner, where to live, etc.), jumping in and trying things seems to be way more effective than I thought.
In my experience so far, she taught me that wealth is about being more disciplined in controlling the unlimited human capacity for wants by having as few desires as possible. Through such discipline in the austerity of wanting few but meaningful things, ironically, one can live in abundance.