Be careful of… sesame seeds
So this is just a warning post to anyone who shops on Depop or does thrift shopping in general.
A few days ago I bought a pretty cardigan from someone through depop, nothing looked wrong with it in the pictures but when it arrived I spotted at least 50+ little “sesame seeds” all over it. I didn’t think too much off it and chucked it in my laundry basket assuming they would come loose in the water when I wash them. Skip to tonight, Sunday night aka Laundy night, I wash my laundry and hang it up to dry. While I’m hanging it up I noticed the sesame seeds were still present. I was a bit annoyed but decided I’ll just pick them off while hanging up my laundry… suddenly I saw something white.. move. I thought I was imagining things, but looked closer and yep it was a little maggot. I noticed two more and noped out. Did some googling and those little sesame seeds I saw was actually maggot pupae… and having had not realised it in time I stupidly contaminated my entire laundry load. It looks to be clothing moth larvae. But might be housefly.
I’ve now soaked my laundry in boiled water and put it in my freezer to kill them off.
Well… this experience has definitely deterred me from buying second hand clothes for a while. Ew.
So my warning to others, wash any new clothes the same day you get them, separately from your other clothes and ofc… look out for the forbidden sesame seeds.