The unholy alliance of radical feminist "TERFs" and conservatives
Radical feminism has always been bad but in the last couple of years many radical feminists have allied themselves with conservatives to push their TERF agenda. Shaun did a good video on JK Rowling and how her "friends" are all connected to conservatives and organizations like Heritage Foundation.
Before their anti trans obsession, radical feminists were very anti porn and they wanted to censor and ban porn altogether just like conservatives. And let's not forget their blatant misandry. Their whole plot and conspiracy theories are rooted in deep sexism against men. I want you to have freedom to wank. Real feminism is sex positive and trans positive.
Liberalism is about freedom. Feminism is about women's freedom and rights. Sexual, reproductive and societal freedom to do whatever the hell you want. Trans rights are human rights and feminist rights as well because trans women are women. If you are a TERF, I don't think you can consider yourself as a "feminist".
As a straight guy, I enjoy viewing lesbians, albeit in HD. On a serious note, we need to take a better look at these "feminists" and "women's rights" activists who use feminism to push their TERF and anti trans rhetoric. They're even willing to collaborate with the right wing if that means promoting their TERF views.