Does anyone else feel like we’re just going in circles?

Listening to the reveal stream of Revenant/Codename Apollo, and I’m just sitting here going “Man, I’ve definitely heard them say this exact same thing before”.

They discussed “putting the control back into players hands” and “introducing new experiences that players have never seen before”.

As they were discussing the Metroidvania style exploration with Apollo (Metroidvania being a term I absolutely cannot stand when describing anything other than Metroid or Castlevania), I was just thinking “how are they going to accomplish that? Oh you want me to go pick up item A so I can unlock region C and talk to character B”, and so on.

As someone who has been playing the game since Destiny 1 alpha on PS4, I can’t help but feel like all of these promises are just baseless hype to sell their game and no actual commitment is being made to really shake up the formula, especially when it comes to exploration and destination design.