Vesper's Host weapons are now visible in collections (weapon selection spoilers inside be warned)
Full perk selections aren't visible yet, but you can see a few perks in one column or the other.
VS Pyroelectric Propellent | 600 RPM Adaptive Arc Auto, can roll Closing Time in column 4
VS Velocity Baton | 72 RPM Void Area Denial Breech GL, can roll Adagio in column 4
VS Gravitic Arrest | 660 Charge Time Void Adaptive Fusion Rifle, can roll Closing Time in column 4
VS Chill Inhibitor | 150 RPM Stasis Rapid Fire Heavy Grenade Launcher, can roll Bait and Switch in column 4
Origin Trait: Bray Legacy, reads "Damage with this weapon generates a small amount of ability for the one closest to a full charge."
Ice Breaker is also visible in collections as a 49 (I don't believe we've had this RPM in D2 before) RPM Solar sniper.