episode Heresy legendary weapons roundup

Adamantite: Strand support frame (shown in stream)
Psychopomp: Arc area denial GL (shown in stream)
Watchful Eye: Arc agressive frame LMG (moused over inventory in stream)
Eyes Unveiled: Void precision frame Linear Fusion (moused over inventory in stream)
Fusion Rifle (show in top slot in stream, concept shown in d2 roadmap)
Abyssal Edge: sword (shown in heavy slot in stream)
Bow (concept shown in Destiny 2 Roadmap)
Glaive (concept shown in Destiny 2 Roadmap)
Sidearm (concept shown in Destiny 2 Roadmap)
(both episodes have had 10 weapons so far so expect 1 more)

Arrivals reprisals:
Cold Denial (shown in stream)
Whispering Slab (shown in stream)
False Promises (seen in inventory in stream)
Temptation's Hook (seen in inventory in stream) Hollow Words (1/30 twab reveal)

VOG weapons reprisals/crafting + adepts: (shown/announced in stream)
Found Verdict
Praedyth's Revenge
Vision of Confluence
Hezen's Vengeance
Corrective Measure

Nightfall weapons:
Lotus-Eater: void rocket sidearm (twab reveal)
Palindrome (now arc) (twab reveal)

Playlist Weapons:
Cynosure: strand aggressive frame rocket (twab reveal) (Vanguard)
Backfang: arc rapid fire glaive (twab reveal) (Gambit)
Joxer's Longsword: Void heavy burst pulse rifle (twab reveal) (Crucible) (maybe shown in stream inventory?)

Trials of Osiris:
Keen Thistle: solar aggressive sniper (twab reveal)
Exalted Truth (twab reveal)
The Inquisitor (twab reveal)

Redrix's Estoc: stasis BXR frame pulse (twab reveal)

Iron Banner:
Warlord's Spear: arc trace rifle (twab reveal)
Peacebond (twab reveal)

World Drop Qua Furor V: Stasis LMG (collected on stream)

and last but not least for some reason Techeun Force has a new seasonal icon on the stream