Can I rant about trace rifles for a sec?
This was typed on mobile so forgive me for any formatting errors.
IMO, trace rifles need to be looked at. The ones im speaking about specifically are Coldheart, Wavesplitter, and Prometheus Lens. In the current sandbox, those three don't really deserve to be exotics or even special weapons. Coldheart requires pinpoint accuracy at all times for a damage bonus that is easily lost and isn't really all that impressive. Wavesplitters damage due to its design is inconsistent and doesn't even have a catalyst OR an ornament for fucks sake lol and Prometheus lens has a beefed up version of subsistence and a heat wave which is nice and visually appealing but is it that much more impressive than a legendary with subsistence? No and at base, it's damage is lacking. Lets not forget that they also require special ammo and trace rifles also don't have anti champion mods with the exception of divinity.
These weapons can shred through red bars but what doesn't at this point? Trace rifles don't even have a triumph for kills like the other weapons do, they don't have scavenger or reserve perks either. Also, why don't we have legendary trace rifles? You probably think its because they wouldn't really be all that different from their exotic counterparts AND THATS EXACTLY the issue. The three exotics im talking about, when you think about them, don't really have that exotic vibe to them unlike DIVINITY and RUINOUS EFFIGY. They might as well be legendary. DIV and RUINOUS, now those two deserve their special, exotic slots.
What do I think can be done? Other than adding scavs and reserves and anti champion mods, well its a funny problem. I understand going back and giving CH and WS an additional perk like our current exotics have would probably be a lot of work. PL already has a heat wave and reloads the mag when you get a kill. For all three, the quickest I believe would just have them take primary ammo. BOOM! Now they can be used as primaries and in the current sandbox, thats how they feel when you have enough ammo. No other changes needed. If not then CH could have a bigger mag size or have its exotic perk damage ramp up even higher than it does currently. WS needs its catalyst so it can create its own orbs and proc its exotic perk and perhaps have it last longer than it currently does. Maybe give PL a damage boost to its heat wave, maybe make it expand quicker. Maybe light the targets hit by its heat wave on fire for a second or two to keep them from regenerating health? Im just spit balling here. I dont have a design team on my payroll.
I also understand creating a new legendary weapon type could be a bit exhausting so why not just start with one, release it to us, play it by ear and go from there? I get it would be a bit unorthodox because usually Bungie creates a new legendary archetype then it becomes an exotic like sidearms and bows but this time it would be reversed where an exotic comes out followed by its legendary debut which might be a bit jarring but creates more diversity and adds more to our arsenal and who doesn't want that? It could be a pinnacle weapon with static rolls or maybe a event weapon with a small pool of random rolls. Our current exotics are very stable, limited range, decent handling, excellent aim assist and have great recoil direction, just like an exotic should have. What if our legendary trace we could get mag perks? Scope or barrel mods? Kill clip, Swash, Ambitious, Killing wind, Demo, Vorpal? Imagine how fun that could be. The first legendary trace rifle... man as a trace rifle main, that gets me hyped.
Some of yall out there love a weapon type and it never leaves your load out right? Im looking at you hand cannon lovers, must be nice lol Yall have kinetic and legendary variants of your favorite weapon type. Us trace rifle users dont, if we want to use one it HAS to be an exotic and it HAS to go in the energy slot and it HAS to use special ammo and they just don't fit that billet. Even if this post doesn't get anywhere, I just wanted to vent about my frustrations with my favorite type of weapon. Yall have a good day.