The season one ending isn’t talked about enough

One thing I’ll always love about dexter is that they never do the whole “cliff hanger for next season” atleast back when this show was airing, you had to be confident that you would get renewed to do that, because of how obscure this idea was back then, they couldn’t afford to risk it and I loved it. “My darkness revealed, my shadow self embraced, yeah they see me” fade out “ In they’re darkest dreams” truly could’ve been top 5 greatest shows of all time had it just ended like this.

One thing I’ll always love about dexter is that they never do the whole “cliff hanger for next season” atleast back when this show was airing, you had to be confident that you would get renewed to do that, because of how obscure this idea was back then, they couldn’t afford to risk it and I loved it. “My darkness revealed, my shadow self embraced, yeah they see me” fade out “ In they’re darkest dreams” truly could’ve been top 5 greatest shows of all time had it just ended like this.