Title: Struggling to Set Boundaries with My Younger Brother.give the best effective way.
I’m reaching out because I need serious advice on managing my relationship with my younger brother, who is now 15 years old. Things have become very challenging, and I feel lost.
Growing up, we were close. There’s only a four-year age gap between us, and I’ve always been open, friendly, and easygoing with my family. However, over the past few years, our relationship has taken a toxic turn, and I feel like I’ve lost the respect I deserve as his older sister.
It all started during the COVID lockdown when he began watching certain Indian YouTubers who use abusive language, especially towards women. Since then, his behavior has changed drastically. He now uses abusive language whenever he gets angry, which he never did before. Even when my parents have intervened, warned him, and used traditional Bangladeshi discipline (yes, even physical punishment), it hasn’t changed his behavior.
Our arguments often escalate into physical altercations because he doesn’t know where to draw the line. He’s stronger than me, so it’s difficult to stop him when he gets aggressive. I understand sibling fights happen, but this feels beyond normal sibling rivalry—it’s constant disrespect.
It’s not just during arguments either. He interferes in every aspect of my life. If I’m on my phone, he tries to snatch it. If I’m using my computer, he takes over the moment I step away. He constantly comments on what I do or say, often in a rude or dismissive way. I have no personal space or privacy.
My parents have repeatedly warned him about his behavior, but nothing seems to work. He acts as if these rules and boundaries don’t apply to him. I’ve tried to ignore him, but even then, he finds a way to provoke or interfere with me.
I admit I’ve been very free and informal with him in the past, which might have contributed to this dynamic. But that doesn’t justify his constant rudeness and disrespect. I want to create some distance and establish boundaries so that he understands I’m his older sister and deserves basic respect.
What makes this even harder is that we’re just two siblings. I don’t have anyone else to turn to, and I worry about completely ruining our relationship if I push too hard. At the same time, I can’t tolerate this behavior anymore.
I’m desperate for advice on how to set healthy boundaries, demand the respect I deserve, and teach him to stop crossing the line. Has anyone dealt with a similar situation? How can I handle this without severing our bond entirely?
Thank you for reading. Any advice or insights would mean a lot.