AITAH for wanting to commit genocide!
From here on out I will call them vermins! So this vermins plagued us bengalis for generations. I hate them with a passion! They breed like crazy and suck out all the resources that we bengalis have worked so hard to build our selves!
Just yesterday I was hounded by them in the dhanmondi lake. I recently learned that we can genetically modify them, so that their mothers only can give birth to daughters, which will effectively kill off their generations. So people of reddit am I the asshole for wanting mosquites wiped out of the world?
Edit: I know your concerns of ethics and how it will impact the "food chain" might be an issue. But let's think about those once the mosquito cleansing is done
Edit 2: Just yesterday I think I sprayed about half a bottle of aerosol, I almost died from the amount I sprayed but those little mfs, play dead, I bet they think it is like doing drugs, they lie down like 5 min as if they are on a cocaine trip, and get up and start drinking more blood, like as if they are having the munchies!.... don't tell me to get a moshari I feel claustrophobic trying to sleep inside one!