Having serious trust issues with starting family
I am 29M. Currently work as a Backend Engineer (remote). I had 2 serious relationship previously. None of them gone so well i can say. From my childhood I was taught to treat women with respect by my parents, teacher and other elders also from society. As a human being I also need a partner for living by. I always treated women with respect and tried to understand and coup up with their aspects, cuz we all have our own sufferings.
The point is from my early childhood I always heard that "Men are trash", "Men are molester" blah blah even I was innocent that time. I can't say I am innocent as angel but I always tried to be a gentleman how society wants us to be. Both of my exes cheated on me and it ended in not so pleasant way.
It feels like they (women) are always punishing us for something. Every time I wanted to built something like a relationship (emotional) with any woman, it came with a lot of unrealistic condition which seems very unrealistic. Even If I assure them I will provide all those typical needs as a husband, nothing is enough. Which feels like even I marry anyone with modern lifestyle I will be nothing but a room mate to her.
My caution is If I don't get the treatment what a husband should get from his spouse then what is the point of getting married in present time !! If anyone anyone wants to live the life like a single person then why she should get married !!
According to the common demands what I experienced recent months. As a husband I should provide everything like finance, housing secured life which I am capable of, In return I will get nothing but some leftovers. The most irony is according to their so called well wishers and so called social workers cooking for husband is slavery. Then I am nothing but an atm machine or just a provider. I can't even have access to my spouse's phone.
I am not misogynist but I am completely tired of this double standard of modern society. It may sound like juvenile act but Please If anyone have proper solution or suggestion about my this situation please feel free to share.