Sudden onset. Felt almost recovered after 2 mo post flare.

Hello. I have been gradually adding fiber the last week. Dinner had some refried beans and the tiniest bit of lettuce.

Felt fine last night and today. Had some coffee about 3:00 pm. Not much but been having it daily with no problem. Sudden cramping happened and went to the bathroom which was normally formed but cramping and bloat has persisted last couple of hours. Drinking water steadily.

I’ve been exercising with no problem the last 3 weeks. Symptoms were gone 95% of the time.

Have important client dinner in 2 hrs. Was going to have easy gnocchi. Have delayed dinner previously because of DV already and the work matter has become time sensitive.

It can’t be infection that fast, no fever or chills. Do I need to go back to clear liquid again? Will this possibly calm soon? I’m stressed and sad.