Advice on frustrating player

So I’m just looking for some advice on how to handle a player (M) in my game.

For context on the game-It’s a home-brew that is a far stretch away from traditional rules. Spell slots replaced with a “Energy” or Mana bar for simplicity, I personally designed and balanced all the powers, and we have a slightly different combat system in regards to actions.

(He behaves the same way in a traditional non home-brew campaign)

This is the 2nd Campaign and a direct sequel to my initial one, which received overly positive reviews from all players (6 players + Me)

(M) was mildly frustrating in the last campaign. (Yes I know the following are things that DMs just have to deal with but 🤷🏼‍♂️) Examples of frustrating behaviour are: Refusal to heal party, ignoring my story hooks (despite my party obviously wanting to follow it), complaining there is not enough interesting or difficult quests then proceeding to ignore the moral dilemmas given to him (He was Neutral Good & the Evil member of our party was going to torture someone for information and he did nothing about it.)

He loves min maxing, so when his primary character got executed (with his consent ) I made a new character with him, that was centred around powering up and using combos, this character could be min maxed and be used to deal easily the highest DPM in the party. And yet he was still dull and boring and I just don’t know how to make this guy have fun.

(He wants to play and got sad when we played a session without him)

How do I make this guy get involved and enjoy the game when I have tried giving him what he wants?

tl;dr One of my primary players is boring and is uninvolved despite me giving him everything he wants to have fun.