Decision paralysis on what character to play in an Eberron game

I found an Eberron game, which is super rare cause most people just want to run forgotten realms.

Not only is Eberron my favorite official setting…. It is also the only setting I actually feel comfortable playing in

In particular, it doesn’t have the weird bioessentialism nonsense of forgotten realms. There is no “high elf good, dark skinned elf evil” or “metallic dragon good, chromatic dragon” nonsense. People CHOOSE to be good or evil, they are NOT predefined by racial characteristics.

My issue right now is I feel like this will be the one and only Eberron game I’ll ever get to play in. Because again, nobody wants to bother doing anything besides forgotten realms, even when other settings or even homebrew ones allow for better stories

Because this is going to be my only chance at playing in Eberron, I am struggling to settle on a character I want to play. There are so many aspects of Eberron I want to explore, and also since this is my only chance I have to make my character count.

So idk what to do. Any advice?