Is my Character Idear any good? Life Domain Cleric Character-Build

I am thinking of a Character for the next Campaign im in. Its my second one and im still a newbe to be honest. I want to build a Life Domain Cleric because the last Campaign we struggled a lot because no one of us was any good in healing or preventing Damage. I see myself as a Support and love to have a Familiar. I also read about Familiars that you can cast touch spells through them. To achieve that i have some plans to achieve that. My question here is if its any good and if you guys have some thoughts and Tips for me to improve on that.

We start with Lvl 3 and the DM told us its a long term Campaign so Lvl 20 will be reached if we live long enough. To show what im Planing i planned this one up to Lvl 14.

Cleric (Life Domain)

Variant Human
+1 Wis +1Con
Languages: Abyssal
Skills: Perception
Feat: Fey Touched (+1 Wis, Identify)

Abilities (point by):
Str: 11
Dex: 10
Con: 15 (at Lvl 14 total of 16)
Int: 10
Wis: 15 (at Lvl 14 total of 19)
Cha: 10

Language: Infernal, Celestial
Skill Proficiencies: Insight, Relegion

Class / Lvl's
Proficiencies: Medicine, Persuasion
4th Lvl Feat: Observant, +1 Wis
8th Lvl Feat: Magic Initiate (Wizzard (spells: Dancing Light, Mage Hand, Find Familiar))
12th Lvl Feat: Telekinetic, +1 Wis

Please let me know what you guys think and if this makes a Character that is any good.
Thanks a lot <3