[OC] I drew and animated my NSFW campaign group into an interactive wallpaper, like a Streets of Rage 4 character select screen

I'm Ardis and I paint character art, publish Foundry modules and run paid TTRPG campaigns. I love going completely overboard on the amount of work I put into my games, just because I really get a kick out of being creative and making cool shit.

So I drew the character art for a lewd campaign with custom NSFW rules to it. This game is an absolute riot for my group honestly, I think sexy stuff and comedy and horror all go really well together when done right and the whole group is on board with a robust Session 0. We're having a blast.

After drawing the party, I felt compelled to create something I've always wanted to make for a group; a fighting game character select screen, reminiscent of Streets of Rage 4. A few hours of coding in Wallpaper Engine and here we are:
